Thursday 26 June 2014

Homeopathic First Aid

Homeopathic First Aid

Mark A. Stengler, ND, naturopathic physician in private practice, LaJolla, California…adjunct associate clinical professor at the National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, Oregon…author of many books, including the Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies and coauthor of Prescription for Natural Cures (both from Bottom Line Books)…and author of the Bottom Line/Natural Healing newsletter.

Homeopathic medicine draws on exactly the same principles as vaccines and allergy treatments, though it is usually considered “alternative.” All three are base on the principle that “like cures like”, where exposure to a small amount of a substance, disease or allergen provokes a reaction in the patient that serves to protect against it. This concept is at the sore of homeopathy, a medical tradition growing increasingly popular.


In homeopathy, pain or symptoms of an illness are understood to be how the body tries to heal itself. This approach to medicine seeks in the short term to stimulate-not discourage-natural healing mechanisms, such as fever and inflammation. Using the “law of similars,” the tiny remedy pellets incite many of the symptoms that characterize the illness the body is battling in order to stimulate the healing process. This is very different from conventional medicine, which instead acts to suppress symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies are made from plants, minerals and animal products. The usual homeopathic dosage is two pellets of a 12C or 30C potency (“C” potency is a 1/100 dilution) two to four times a day-but it’s important to carefully follow package directions or the dosing instructions of a trained homeopath. Remedies are dissolved under the tongue Avoid touching the pills with your hands, since contact with dirt or oil on the skin may inactivate the material-instead try pouring them into the plastic lid of the container and from there, into you mouth.

Note: Once symptoms being to respond, stop taking the remedy and see if an improvement settles in. If some symptoms remain, you may then clear them altogether by taking the remedy a little longer. For acute attacks look for improvement within minutes to an hour…for chronic disease it may take one to two weeks to notice improvement.

Homeopathic First Aid


One big supporter of homeopathy is Mark Stengler, ND, author of Bottom Line Natural Healing newsletter and The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. He regularly talks about the value of these remedies in his practice. Here are some of his favorites…

Apis – For skin reactions

Derived from the venom of the honeybee, Dr. Stengler prescribes Apis for stinging, burning, swelling and itching. It may be useful for bee stings, arthritis, urinary tract infections, herpes, sore throat, hives and other allergic reactions. This is an example of how a remedy can sometimes work.

Note: Apis does not replace conventional medical treatment for severe allergic reactions.

Arnica – For bruises and muscle aches

If Dr. Stengler had to choose just one homeopathic medicine to use, it would be Arnica. This anti-inflammatory preparation made from the mountain daisy is excellent at soothing bruises,  aches, pains, swelling and other physical trauma. It also may provide relief for muscle soreness, such as from exercise. A recent study showed that Arnica helps recovery form plastic surgery. Arnica is also available as a topical cream or gel.

Cantharis – For burns

This preparation from the blister beetle is used for burns and chemical cantharidin, which when concentrated causes blisters and skin inflammation. Based on the homeopathic principle of “like cures like,” cantharis is ideal for most hours.

Gelsemium – For the flu

A classic flu remedy that was used to reduce duration and soother symptoms during the devastating 1918 flu epidemic, Gelsemium is particularly beneficial for flu sufferers who experience fatigue, lethargy and shakiness. Dr. Stengler also prescribes it more generally for fatigue and headaches.

Ignatia amara – For anxiety

Dr. Stengler frequently prescribes this medicine to relieve emotional distress and anxiety. In his opinion, many stressed-out type A’s would benefit from taking Ignatia amara…in addition to trying other stress management techniques such prayer, exercise and deep breathing. It may be especially helpful taken daily during stressful periods such as a divorce or the loss of a loved one. While it does not take away all of the emotional pain, it can reduce the intensity.

Nux vomica – For nausea and heart burn

Derived from an East Indian plant we call Quaker’s buttons, Nux vomica is most commonly used for stomach cramps, nausea and heartburn. Many people also find it helpful for anxiety, irritation, and as a hangover remedy.

Rhus toxicodendron – For poison ivy

Rhus toxicodendron, often shortened to Rhus tox, consists of the homeopathic dilution of poison ivy, which with direct contact causes a blistering rash. Again recalling the principle of “like cures like,” the salve form is one of the best skin remedies for poison ivy. You can also use it for arthritis, back strain and cold sores.

Sulphur - For skin ailments

Dr. Stengler considers this one of the most profound and long-lasting of all homeopathic remedies. He prescribes it for rashes, eczema and psoriasis. Additionally, sulphur can be taken for digestive disturbances, insomnia and headaches.

Homeopathic First Aid

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